Of junk mail season. Oh, okay, election season. And the end, however temporarily, of the same commercials flooding television, radio and websites.
This blog is a politics-free zone, so my complaining is strictly non-partisan. Why don’t politicians realize that a rectangular chunk of high-gloss four color card stock has a very tiny chance of changing anyone’s mind on anything? I can’t even shred it to put in the worm bin. Those mailers go straight from the mailbox to the trash can.
TV ads? Mute button. Radio? Off for a few minutes until the annoying ad has gone away. Websites are a mixed bag. My PC has ad blockers which work quite well, but on my phone I am blasted with the same commercial every few inches. I’ve been trying out some alternate browsers, but so far haven’t found anything that I truly like.
Even worse than the candidates have been the issue votes. We have a casino gambling amendment on our ballot, and after months of being barraged with commercials, I say a pox on both their houses.
But you know what is sad? Tomorrow I’ll probably still get some stray mailers.
This was originally posted on my old blog, Middle Class Poor.